【获奖】 2020年 自然科学学术成果奖三等奖,
2021年 Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China期刊年度优秀论文二等奖,
2021年 创新创业先进个人
2023年 辽宁省优秀博士学位伦文
【代表性学术著作、论文】 [1] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Effect of long-period stacking ordered phase on hot tearing susceptibility of Mg-1Zn-xY alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020
[2] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Experimental investigation and simulation assessment on fluidity and hot tearing of Mg-Zn-Cu system alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 297, 117259.
[3] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Effect of low frequency alternating magnetic field on hot tearing susceptibility of Mg-7Zn-1Cu-0.6Zr magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 282, 116679.
[4] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Hot tearing susceptibility of alternative magnetic field treated Mg-7Zn-1Cu-0.6Zr alloy: Experimental and theoretical study. Materials letters, 2020, 271.
[5] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Effects of Copper Content and Mold Temperature on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-7Zn-xCu-0.6Zr Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49, 3444-3455.
[6] Ye Zhou, Pingli Mao, et al. Solidification process and hot tearing behaviors of AZ series magnesium alloys. Materials research express, 2019, 11(6).
[7] 周野,毛萍莉,等. Mg-7Zn-xCu-0.6Zr合金热裂行为研究. 金属学报,2017, 53,851-860.
[8] 周野,毛萍莉,等. Cu对Mg-7Zn-0.6Zr合金流动性的影响. 材料研究学报, 2018, 32(09): 59-67.
[9] Zhi Wang, Ye Zhou, et al. Hot tearing behaviors and in-situ thermal analysis of Mg-7Zn-xCu-0.6Zr alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018,8:1504-1513.
[10] 王志,周野,等. Ca和Y对Mg-1.5Zn合金热裂行为的影响. 材料研究学报, 2017, 31, 561-568.
【专利】 一种新的合金热裂倾向预测方法, 中国专利, CN201710779447.7.
【主要科研项目】 1.校优秀青年科技人才项目,主持;