【获奖】 华体会手机网页版登录入口2023届本科毕业设计(论文)校级优秀指导教师
【代表性学术著作、论文】 1. Dazheng Zhang, Weijuan Li, Xiuhua Gao, et al. Effect of cold deformation before heat treatment on the hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity of high-strength steel for marine risers[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2022, 845:143220.
2. Dazheng Zhang, Xiuhua Gao, Yu Du, et al. Effect of microstructure refinement on hydrogen-induced damage behavior of low alloy high strength steel for flexible riser[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, 765:138278
3. Dazheng Zhang, Changzhi Cui, Weijuan Li, et al. Hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement failure behavior of AH36 marine steel subjected to high heat input welding[J]. Steel Research International, 2023, 94, 2200539.
4. Dazheng Zhang, Boyong Li, Liyan Fu, et al. Mechanism of the Interaction Between Hydrogen, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties in Low-Alloy High-Strength Marine Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-023-08637-3.
5. Dazheng Zhang, Xiuhua Gao, Mingming Wang, et al. Fatigue fracture behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel for flexible marine riser in the high cycle fatigue regime[J]. Materials Research Express, 2022, 9: 076507.
6. Dazheng Zhang, Xiuhua Gao, Weijuan Li, et al. CO2 corrosion behavior of high-strength martensitic steel for marine riser exposed to CO2-saturated salt solution[J]. Materials Research Express, 2021, 8: 076517.
7. Da-Zheng Zhang, Xiu-Hua Gao, Lin-Xiu Du, et al. Corrosion behavior of high-strength steel for flexible riser exposed to CO2-saturated saline solution and CO2-saturated vapor environments[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2019, 32(5): 607-617.
8. Dazheng Zhang, Xiuhua Gao, Guanqiao Su, et al. Effect of tempered martensite and ferrite/bainite on corrosion behavior of low alloy steel used for flexible pipe exposed to high-temperature brine environment[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 4911-4920.
9. Dazheng Zhang, Xiuhua Gao, Guanqiao Su, et al. Corrosion behavior of low-C medium-Mn steel in simulated marine immersion and splash zone environment[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26: 2599-2607.
10. 张大征,高秀华,杜林秀,等. 多级热处理对柔性立管用高强钢显微组织与性能的影响[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2020,41(1):49-54.
11 张大征,李振楠,李维娟,等. 高强海工钢EH36中氢扩散行为研究[J]. 鞍钢技术,2023(06): 37-42+50.
12. 高秀华,张大征,苏冠侨,等. 海洋平台用中锰钢飞溅区海水腐蚀行为[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2017, 38(9): 1234-1238.
13. 高秀华,张大征,杜林秀,等. 低合金高强度抗应力腐蚀开裂海洋软管用钢的开发[J]. 轧钢,2019, 36(4): 1-6.
14. 王冬,张大征,李维娟. 吐丝温度与风冷速率对HRB400E带肋钢筋表面锈层结构的影响[J]. 轧钢,2022, 39(01): 56-61.
15. 高澜,张大征,李维娟,等. 充氢电流密度对DH36钢氢脆敏感性的影响[J]. 热加工工艺,2022, 10: 1-6.
16. 薛曙冰,张大征,李维娟,等. 显微组织对海洋立管用钢氢扩散行为的影响[J]. 华体会手机网页版登录入口学报, 2022, 45(1): 31-37.
【专利】 [1] 张大征,王德慧,李维娟,等。一种提高螺纹钢HRB400E屈服强度稳定性的方法[P]. ZL202111368679.6
[2] 高秀华,张大征,杜林秀,等。 一种深海动态柔性立管用耐酸超高强钢及其制备方法[P]. ZL201810558146.6
[3] 高秀华,张大征,杜林秀,等。 一种超高强度海洋软管用钢及其制备方法[P]. ZL201811282477.8
【主要研究项目】 主持国家自然科学基金 基于成分优化的超高强海工钢氢致裂纹萌生与扩展机制研究
主持鞍钢海工钢联合基金 基于V-RE复合微合金化的高强船板钢低温韧性及疲劳失效行为研究
主持华体会手机网页版登录入口校青年基金 海洋柔性立管用高强钢中氢陷阱对氢损伤的作用机制研究
参与国家自然科学基金 氢与海工钢大线能量焊接热影响区微观结构的相互作用研究
参与横向课题 轧材工艺改进品质提升项目(永峰钢铁)
参与横向课题 9Ni钢精细组织结构和冲击断裂机制的研究(鞍钢)